A non-profit educational organization
The Westmoreland County Historical Society is dedicated to acquiring and managing resources related to the history of Westmoreland County and using these resources to encourage a diverse audience to make connections to the past, develop an understanding of the present, and provide direction for the future.
The Westmoreland County Historical Society pursues its mission by:
• Maintaining a 5,000+ volume non-circulating research library of genealogical, local, county, and regional materials.
• Providing research services related to genealogy and county history.
• Publishing a tri-annual journal "Westmoreland History" and other occasional publications.
• Managing Historic Hanna’s Town, listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
• Conducting programs at Historic Hanna’s Town.
• Maintaining Historic Hanna’s Town’s archaeological collection of over 1 million artifacts.
• Documenting and managing a 700,000 item archives collection.
• Managing a curatorial (objects) collection.
• Providing educational materials via outreach to schools and teachers.
• Conducting adult, children, and family educational programs on a broad range of historical topics.
• Administering Westmoreland Heritage, a county-wide partnership of heritage sites, educational institutions, and tourism-based businesses whose mission is to promote heritage and cultural tourism in Westmoreland County.
Keywords: Genealogy Research,Westmoreland County Pennsylvania,Hannas Town, Westmoreland Genealogy Research, History, Attraction